@Catvalente Ya' know, Dorothy Zbornak would've JUMPED at that!!!
...and Blanche? She'd have slid underneath!
@Catvalente Ya' know, Dorothy Zbornak would've JUMPED at that!!!
...and Blanche? She'd have slid underneath!
News Media:
"All of America is panicking! TikTok will be shut down on Sunday!"
Meanwhile, my neighbors and I, trying to have an intelligent conversation on the subject...
It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.
#1jour1kif les séries télé. Ici haut une liste de celles que j'aime bien. Mais il y en a plein d'autres. En ce moment on regarde #thegoldengirls malgré que ce soit une série des années 80, elle a très bien vieillit. Pas comme certaines de la fin des années 90 et début 2000 comme Friends ou Sex and the City.
In other news, we started up with #Disney+. Again, husband is doing another round of #TheGoldenGirls, while I’m fascinated with #Shogun, but just ran across #Lost today. So many memories. Taking a break from Shogun (memories too, but it is work to pay attention to the subtitles) to plunge in Island lore. To think we waited to watch these week by week!
What are you watching tonight?
1988 Friday Night NBC Promo
#television #tvshow #retro #vintage #MarioVanPeeb #TheGoldenGirls #GoldenGirls #SonnySpoons #MiamiVice #DickClark
What are you watching tonight?
October 19, 1985. Betty White, Bea Arthur, and Rue McClanahan of NBC's The Golden Girls.
#goldengirls #thegoldengirls #tvshow #television #bettywhite #RueMcclanahan
#beaarthur #80stv #retro #vintage #nostalgia #tvguide
What's for dinner?
Holiday Lobster Spread with Knox Gelatin & the Mirro Lobster Mold [1983]
Also, if you know - you know!
#Lobster #Gelatin #Cooking #Food #Advertisement #GoldenGirls #TheGoldenGirls #Retro #Vintage
What are you watching tonight?
Incredibly hokey - 1987 NBC Fall lineup promo.
Tell us! Did you make it though the whole thing?
#Nbc #tvshow #television #retro #vintage #227 #ALF #Amen #Cheers #TheCosbyShow #TheFactsofLife #FamilyTies #TheGoldenGirls #HighwaytoHeaven #Hunter #LALaw #Matlock #MiamiVice #NightCourt #OurHouse #RagstoRiches #StElsewher #ValeriesFamily #BeverlyHillsBuntz #ADifferentWorld #MyTwoDads #TheTonightShow #TheTodayShow
For the #TheGoldenGirls fans here... they will know...
After Rose killed her Husband, Mrs Beatty had to move in with her sisters and eat Stouffer's frozen meals. #rosenylund #GoldenGirls #Stouffers #PriscillaMorrill #tvcommercial #Retro #Vintage
Arrested for Prostitution?
#goldengirls #thegoldengirls #tvshow #television #bettywhite #RueMcclanahan
#beaarthur #80stv #retro #vintage #nostalgia #jail
1994 Rue McClanahan for 2000 Flushes
#Toilets #Bathrooms #Cleaning #GoldenGirls #RueMcclanahan #TvCommercial #Retro #Vintage #thegoldengirls
Rue Mcclanahan on the Love Boat. 1978
#loveboat #goldengirls #thegoldengirls #tvshow #television #RueMcclanahan
It's #catsofmastodon with the Golden Girls.
#caturday #goldengirls #thegoldengirls #tvshow #television #bettywhite #RueMcclanahan
It's #catsofmastodon with the Golden Girls.
#caturday #goldengirls #thegoldengirls #tvshow #television #bettywhite #beaarthur
Breakfast with Blanche?
Post Bran Flakes advertisement with Rue McClanahan
#Cereal #Advertisement #GoldenAndGirls #TheGoldenGirls #blanchedevereaux #Cereal #Breakfast #Food #Retro #Vintage #rueMcClanahan