#TuneTuesday #SongsFromHome about where you live or have lived.
On their 1rst album (1979)
The people responding to the #doge email with the lyrics to The Cure's "Friday I'm in Love" are my new favorite people.
It's the latest wave that you've been craving for
The old ideal was getting such a bore
Now you're back in line
Going not quite as far but in half the time
I'm definitely adding some of these moves to my repertoire.
Happy anniversary to The Cure’s box set, ‘Join the Dots: B-Sides & Rarities 1978–2001’. Released this week in 2004. #thecure #jointhedots #bsidesandrarities #robertsmith
Concert - The Cure Live
1984 Canada pressing
Continuing to celebrate my instance migration & everything finally working properly by having a few whiskey sours & listening to records.
This is one of very few LIVE records I own. These songs were taken from a few different shows in Oxford & London over 1 week in May of 1984.
It sounds phenomenal, & as a unit, they’re on absolute fire.
Nothing is better than early #80s #thecure .
#vinyl #vinylrecords #1980s #80smusic #vinylcollection
I love "Just Like Heaven: A Tribute to the Cure" so much. I've been playing this album daily for the past few weeks, and I don't even like The Cure. So many exceptional tracks and so many different styles of covers, but the whole thing is fantastic. You can find it on Bandcamp: https://americanlaundromatrecords.bandcamp.com/album/just-like-heaven-a-tribute-to-the-cure?from=butts #TheCure #AmericanLaundromat #CoverAlbum #CoverMusic #Goth
Hey #sea peeps and #pdx peeps who love a road trip: My friends who have a #DepecheMode tribute band are playing Friday night with a #TheCure tribute band at the Spanish Ballroom in Tacoma. I was considering a road trip and I'd love to see some friendly faces (or if I can't make it, for my friends to see you). Tickets: https://www.mcmenamins.com/SuperVenueEvent.aspx?venueid=377&eventID=258931
ETA: additional band and ticket link
ah ouais ouais ouais
I’ve updated some of my work from this year. There were things I know I could’ve done better, and they were nagging at me.
May I present
When I was drawing this, I wanted time to be undefined. But I realized I was fighting against myself; why not just go ahead and make it night?
You can’t fight The Night.
I definitely want to fight less in 2025, especially against myself.
EDIT. I had to update this again or I couldn't rest.
Aaaaand I have all day tomorrow off, and my beautiful wife bought me the new album from The Cure on vinyl, so I intend to spend my day in my dressing gown eating leftovers, and playing it LOUD AS FUCK
Check me out mr storyteller
G-Nitro’s Daily Music Wrap-Up (Weekend Edition) - 12/13/24 to 12/15/24
Wrapping up the last 3 days, I check out albums by The Cure, Black Sabbath, and Travis.
Favorite videos include multiple music videos, K-Pop stage performances, and more!
I also feature last week's LastFM stats.
By the time GOONIES rolled around, I was ready for something more grown up. I wanted to learn about being an adult (I sure wasn’t going to learn it at home) and I looked to #SiouxsieAndTheBanshees (& next, #TheCure ) to define the parameters of adulthood, emotions, navigating the world as a creative (& though I didn’t know it at time, #ActuallyAutistic ) person, and the shields and walls one has to maintain just to survive in a world of “normal” people.
Though I aspired to Siouxsie and Robert Smith levels of maturity, I realize now many of the lessons I took from their music were wildly inaccurate in regards to everyday adulthood but they absolutely taught me how to express my bigger and more dramatic feelings and follow my vision.
... and with today's weather setting the mood, here's The Cure with one of their legendary songs - this one is from 1980 ...
#GreatAlbums2024 My 20 favourite albums this year...
#TheCure – Songs of a Lost World (Lost Music)
After a sixteen year pause, the Cure return to form on this intense and bleak set of songs full of Robert Smith’s forlorn meditations on the existential wasteland