Mr Clubber has the latest on our post #stormeowyn fun . No news. 12th day of no sign of repairs
#cats #fedicats #CatsOfMastodon
Mr Clubber has the latest on our post #stormeowyn fun . No news. 12th day of no sign of repairs
#cats #fedicats #CatsOfMastodon
Hello fans!
I flatter myself by making that plural. haha
Here we are after seven days and still no internet at home. It's challenging to say the least. #StormEowyn has a lot to answer for.
No..... Work; Pleasure; Socials; TV (as it's all streamed); Mobile phone (as we need wifi calling due to poor signal in the area); even our electric car needs the internet to charge at home.
Rural life has its difficulties. Although I am grateful we now have power, and the house is intact. Some have suffered greater losses here, and around the globe in various disasters.
This message comes to you from a hotel room, as i am away on business overnight and inhaling the internet -- if it is slow for you, I make no apology while I consume it.
Repairing storm-damaged roofs and chimneys on Glasgow's traditional tenements requires some serious cranage!
We’ve been without power for more than 51 hrs. We’re now looking at power being restored by midnight on the 28th. We are managing with the wood burning stove and candles.
People have been lovely. Had lunch with a friend… super food, a refreshing dog walk and great discussions.
We can do this - going for the long haul. Work tomorrow and a chance to charge the car. #StormEowyn #PowerCut #scotland
I've managed to get a train, from #London heading home towards #Scotland, after the trail of destruction on the rail network due to Friday's storm #Eowyn.
I can only get to #carlisle, which is on the England and Scotland border, but my other half is driving down to collect me. At least it's only an hour's drive home.
I'm going home to a village that's had no electricity for over 52 hours so far; it will be challenging. But at least I will be home.
I will have no Internet either!!
Breakfast, day three without power - due to be back on by Midnight tonight according to the SPEN website.
Although not normally used as a toaster, this is the stove we cook on everyday (even when the power is on) and we are perfectly safe. The rest of the house is freezing, but this room is nicely warm.
#StormEowyn #PowerCut #RuralLife #Scotland
Today on Kelvin Way in Glasgow. Luckily, this is the only one of the many large, mature trees which line it that was lost to Storm Eowyn.
“‘Everyone has some mess that needs clearing up. What harm is a man with a broom?’”
Terry Pratchett; Thief of Time
#Discworld #ClearUpTime #CommunityResilience #StormEowyn
Ok we lifted it back into place, there’s a really bad kink in the pipe, the boiler starts up but doesn’t sound right, keeps stopping and starting. I’ve turned it off, I think maybe there’s not enough oil getting through, don’t want to cause any damage, we’ll get someone out to take a look.
Being without power was a pain, but it was nice sitting in candlelight last night, and the sky was incredible with literally zero light pollution. We don’t have streetlights here anyway, but it was totally different last night.
A wind gust whipping up the Clyde yesterdy passed the Armadillo, turning the water surface into a mass of spindrift. This phenomenon only happens when wind speeds top 40 miles an hour. This was taken after the red storm warning had ended at 5pm, so goodness know what it would have looked like at the height of Storm Eowyn, when the gusts were more than twice this speed in places.
#glasgow #StormÉowyn
#glasgowtoday #wind #thclyde #architecture #glasgowbuildings #armadillo #spindrift
And here’s the oil tank. Haven’t attempted to move it yet but now the power is back, we’ll have a go. There’s still oil inside it, so it’s pretty heavy.
Here’s the tree in the garden that was blown over. It’s a shame, it was nice in the summer, and the stuff planted around the base was all moved from the patio when we first moved in. I wonder if we can cut some of the protruding roots off and just push it back into place?
We’re ok after #StormEowyn but have no power and no phone signal. So we can’t be contacted. It doesn’t look like our power supply will be a quick fix as the pole is blocking the road to our neighbours’ farm. In Cupar to get supplies. On the plus I won the scrabble. No apologies for the expletive on a triple word score - gave us a much needed laugh! #StormEowyn #PowerCut
Ok here’s some pics of the tree that was blocking the road.
First, how it was this morning. The next two are how it was left after my neighbour and I did what we could. People could drive past, but it was too only supported by those phone cables.
The last one is how it looks now, after the council made it safe.
Hi everyone, we lost comms yesterday. I am fine, the animals are fine, there is damage to the bale wall on the roundhouse which I'm going to have to work on salvaging most of today, and there are leaning trees close to my house which are going to be really awkward to get out.
Nothing disastrous. I will get by (with a little help from my friends).