The mangled remains of the frame from a highway sign up in a tree in our neighborhood. This is from at least 2 miles away from the highway and about 250 yards from our house.
The mangled remains of the frame from a highway sign up in a tree in our neighborhood. This is from at least 2 miles away from the highway and about 250 yards from our house.
not ready to be back in #stlouis after a mini Colorado mountain vacation. and this AQI in the 300s is not making it any better. glad we've still got a stash of N95s... this shit sucks.
The first picture is from an apartment complex across town. Their covered parking collapsed on all the cars. The second is from about 1/2 mile down the road from us. The top of the pole is just dangling there.
It's unclear when electricity will be restored. Our daughter is staying with a friend who still has power.
Stay safe and have a good afternoon.
I put my work gloves, a chainsaw and an ax in the back of my SUV. We're heading out to see if we can find a place serving hot food. The power is still out unfortunately. We spent three hours working in the yard. I'm a bit bummed by the damage we got but others have it way worse so I'm going to move forward and just deal with it as best I can. Mostly insurance claims anyway.
Have a good Saturday friends!
Good morning everyone. There is wide spread destruction across the state of Missouri. Multiple tornadoes ripped through our area. We have trees down and hail damage. I haven't been able to access how severe on the roof but the cars have countless dents. We're all safe, that's all that matters. The power has been off since 9pm last night so I hope it's back in soon. I've heard it might be three days.
Stay safe everybody and have a good day.
Our tornado sirens have gone off three times in 10 minutes. Stay safe everybody.
Happy Friday! Fell into an audio rabbit hole, listening to Ruth the DJ from the old KSHE-95 in St. Louis. At the time, she was 81 and spinning classic rock. Loved her! #KSHE95 #ClassicRock #StLouis #TotallyCosmic
KSHE St. Louis / Ruth Hutchinson / 11 23 1983
80s kids are coming to a fine city near you!
#Portland, OR
#Guerneville, CA
#Sacramento, CA
#SanDiego, CA
#LosAngeles, CA
#Austin, TX
#Houston, TX
#WinstonSalem, NC
#Phoenixville, PA
#Newtown, CT
#Essex (#Burlington), VT
#Minneapolis, MN
#StLouis, MO
#CedarRapids, IA
#KansasCity, MO
#DesMoines, IA
#Omaha, NE
#Denver, CO
#Boise, ID
#BakerCity, OR
#Spokane, WA
#Seattle, WA
#Oakland, CA
Get your ticket here!
And either way, you are precisely the person that this album — and the tour we're headed out on this spring — is for. We can't wait to share it all with you.
We'll be going to 23 cities — including a new show added in #StLouis (tickets went on sale yesterday!), and a new show added in #oakland CA (tickets will be available this coming week!).
Take a look at our schedule and make a plan to come see us. (Early ticket purchases help us SO MUCH — thank you!!)
¡¡ ST LOUIS !!
brand new show just announced: FRIDAY, MAY 16 at BLUE STRAWBERRY
we think this one might sell out — please help us do that! — get your posse together and get your tickets asap and LET'S DO THIS!!
limited premium tables available — first come first served
blue strawberry has an excellent kitchen so you can have dinner at your table and make a one-stop-shop night of it
️ 80s karaoke following the show until late!!
GO GO GO!! ️
Where are our ST. LOUIS people!!!!!
@hilljam and I are SO PUMPED to announce our #StLouis 80s kids tour stop at Blue Stawberry on Friday, May 16!
Tix are on sale NOW. Premium tickets will go fast! Go get snap em up here:
Oh AND: 80s karaoke will be happening after the show for as long as y’all want to hang out and party.
See you in May, #STL crew!!!
Finally stopped by Dad's Cookies on Louisiana today. Very cool little local shop, and good prices.
We're back from the 2025 Pet Parade in Soulard. It was a blast and Ellie probably petted 300+ different dogs and one miniature horse. As promised here are some pictures and a short YouTube video. Overall it's a fun experience. We ran into a couple with their dog dressed like Robin from Batman we've seen the last four years.
Have a wonderful afternoon!
We made it to Soulard for the Pet Parade. The dogs start in 20 minutes. I might post a video to YouTube as well as some pictures here.
Have a good afternoon everyone!
I think we're heading down to the 2025 Pet Parade in Soulard this afternoon. There will be hundreds of dogs dressed up in costumes. All proceeds go to Open Door Animal Sanctuary. We have adopted several pets from them over the years, it's a great shelter. I'll post a few pictures if we make it down there.
Great article from BND about lifelong farmers' feelings about current uncertainty and specifically the Farm Bill that's been punted until September.
Another great informational article about the City elections THAT YOU CAN VOTE IN RIGHT NOW.
I might be late to this one but great to see the Millennium Hotel getting a real revitalization plan!
The snow has really started here. My daughter "had" to go to MMA. Ironically it was barely snowing when we left the house an hour ago. The lack of school left her bored most of the day. It's also cancelled for tomorrow now. I respect her determination and commitment but it's getting pretty shitty out.
Everyone stay safe out there. Have a good night.
One of the interesting things about living somewhere with absolutely inept snow-handling city services is that every storm that has accumulation is like an experiment in traffic re-alignment. #StLouis has so many double lane roads (in both directions) that are effectively reduced to single lanes in each direction when it snows and people stick to the one clear path. And you know what? It doesn't make any difference in how fast I get across town. Would be so easy to replace one or two of those lanes with bike lanes and tree-lined walking paths.