You know that spring is finding its way into the year when bumble bee queens are floating all around your garden.
You know that spring is finding its way into the year when bumble bee queens are floating all around your garden.
UCANR Orchard Systems Advisor for Stanislaus and San Joaquin Counties.
almonds, pistachios, peaches, and apricots
"If interested in this position, please visit: and choose “applicants” (refer to position #24-26). An in-person finalist interview may be required as part of the search process."
@plantscijobs #Job #PlantScience #Horticulture #CooperativeExtension #California #Agriculture
Make your own apple trees—Online grafting classes from Seed Savers Exchange (US)
SSE sends you the materials you need (rootstock, grafting knife, etc.), classes meet online
Grafting is a great skill to have. You have many more options for varieties, and it saves a lot of money versus nursery-grown trees. I graft 20-30 fruit trees every spring to distribute in my community.
Sweet potatoes are soo good!
*switching on nerd mode*
Also, we are working here on a very interesting horticultural management system to improve soil health by applying wood residues (e.g. branches from tree pruning). The wood residues increase soil organic carbon and contain also some nutrients. Usually, people would advise against using wood residues as fertilizer (because they contain a lot of carbon, making the other nutrients such as nitrogen unavailable and not letting crops grow), but some farmers found a very nice solution:
They apply the wood chips and plant directly sweet potato. Sweet potato is a totally rad plant that has cool bacteria around their roots that fix nitrogen and grows perfectly in these soils. After some months, you can harvest a nice amount of sweet potatoes AND have a supernicely regenerated soil for other crops.
The inventor calls the technique "Carboniato" (boniato is sweet potato in spanish).
HortusFox v4.0 was just released!
View the changelog here:
HortusFox is a free and opensourced, collaborative management and tracking system for your indoor and outdoor plants.
It's seed-buying time and here are my favourites of the year - including loofahs, agretti and samphire.
#gardening #vegetables #growyourown #gyo #veg #unusualveg #seeds #horticulture #foodie #gourmet
#Solanum lycopersium 'Black Vernissage' #tomato. Why it's called "black" I have no idea ... these were quite ripe.
#garden #gardening #flowers #horticulture #photography #bloomscrolling #botany
Cyclamen persicum, unknown cv
#garden #gardening #flowers #horticulture #photography #bloomscrolling #botany
Hemerocallis 'Country Uncle' (Klehm (1988))
#daylily #garden #gardening #flowers #horticulture #photography #bloomscrolling #botany
#Dahlia 'Alpen Fury' and a ladybug
#garden #gardening #flowers #horticulture #photography #bloomscrolling #botany
#Chamaenerion angustifolium, fireweed.
#garden #gardening #flowers #horticulture #photography #bloomscrolling #botany
Flowering #Lolium perenne, perennial ryegrass. Frog Pot by Poplar Studio,
#garden #gardening #flowers #horticulture #photography #bloomscrolling #botany
#Iris setosa, bristle-pointed iris.
#garden #gardening #flowers #horticulture #photography #bloomscrolling #botany
Tentatively, Iris x foetidissima. I inherited this iris when I took over caring for the traffic island on our street. It looks in every way like the species except the flowers are much rounder and fuller. It does quite well in our climate (Vancouver BC Canada) while the bearded irises look pretty mangy much of the year thanks to Didymellina fungal leaf-spot. And it has these amazing seed pods!
#garden #gardening #flowers #horticulture #photography #bloomscrolling #botany
Looking for great resources online or locally for starting a farm / orchard, or agriculture in general. Any leads?
There's a dream somewhere of running a flower farm + orchards + apiary...
Any resources around general approaches with the tax benefits / business end would be greatl