#writever International
When, on International Women's Rights Day, all women on the planet went on total, unlimited strike, men found themselves unable to understand how they could coordinate without them noticing it.
#writever International
When, on International Women's Rights Day, all women on the planet went on total, unlimited strike, men found themselves unable to understand how they could coordinate without them noticing it.
#writever Emancipation
"Do you think", asked Escola, "that presenting yourself as a tutelar figure will help these young people achieve emancipation?"
"Nope", said Solipsis. "Because I've no idea what “tutelar” means -- or “emancipation”"
#writever Walk
"The room is full! Everyone has come to see us!" exclaimed Seraphine.
"Then let's give them a sight,’ murmured Eleanor. ‘Walk purposefully, and only look at the council members."
"That sounded like Solipsis," smiled Bene.
#writever Exploit
"I've only just begun learning! Surely I have all sorts of faults!" exclaimed Éléanor.
"Then go and exploit them," said Solipsis. Starting with your impulsiveness. Attack, instead of letting yourself be attacked."
#writever Ceiling
"Above the ceiling of this office is a secret room."
"Are you you always so careful in surveying the ceilings of the rooms you enter?"
"Yes. You have no idea of the decorations I have sometimes been invited to, shall we say, admire."
#writever Struggle
"Once you will know how to fight, your hardest struggle will not be against your opponents but against yourself. First, to force yourself to face a strong opponent; later, to force yourself not to bruise a weak opponent."
#writever Consent
"If you learn to wield weapons, your whole life will be turned upside down, in ways you cannnot fathom. I shall require that you ponder carefully and consent explicitly before I start teach--"
"I consent. Let us begin."
“I never read such an impious book,” said the reader, throwing it on the floor.
“You need not hurt me,” said the book; “you will only get less for me second hand, and I did not write myself.”
For #WorldBookDay (UK), a fable about a book: Robert Louis Stevenson’s “The Reader”
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#writever Equally
"I cannot treat you all equally," said Solipsis. "Because every one of you is different. But what I can do is treat every one of you differently, and try to make equals out of you."
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#writever Mirror
"Magic mirror on the wall, who is--"
"The fairest one of all? It is y--"
"No. The *vainest* one of all. Today, I am of a mind to put pretentious men in their place. Actually... give me the first, say, twenty names."
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#writever Glue
Every man carries in his head a suit of armor that he made himself. Find the weak point, where he failed to glue the pieces together properly, and that man is finished,” said Solipsis.
“Every man? Including you?” asked Eleanor.
#writever Housewife
"The question is not to be, or not to be, a housewife. It is to be or not to be a housewife *if you want to*.
Also, *I* don't want to be a housewife."
#writever Rights
“When I started fighting, I did so to obtain the same rights that every man had,” said Eleanor. “Now I shall keep fighting so that every woman obtains the same rights that I have.”
#writever Women
“Women carrying swords?” Vannelet blurted. “And then, what? A say in matters perhaps?”
“It's true that one rarely refuses to listen to someone who's holding a weapon,” replied Eleanor, slowly drawing her rapier.
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