The brand new Reese's Red Velvet Peanut Butter Cups have arrived!
These got released a lot earlier than expected. They are currently available on Amazon.
The brand new Reese's Red Velvet Peanut Butter Cups have arrived!
These got released a lot earlier than expected. They are currently available on Amazon.
I swear these things used to be called Peanut Nut Rolls back in the day, and joking about it, but I’m not finding any photo evidence of it online.
LifeSavers: The sweetest dream in the world, 1949 ad.
#lifesavers #Advertisements #Candy #Retro #Vintage #Cartoons #Illustration #artwork
1949 November Life Savers Advertisement.
#LifeSavers #Candy #November #Advertisement #Retro #Food #Vintage
It's National Candy Day.
Time to go get some of that discounted Halloween candy.
it is done. A new #colorful #motiongraphics #artwork made in #b3d #blender3d
Also my #trippy music with some #psychedelic elements...
The numbers are all crunched (and munched, and chewed, and otherwise consumed):
274 trick or treaters this year, over 80 more than last year!
And as I suspected from the initial impressions, sour candy types were definitely the most popular and it wasn't even close.
Halloween is like a national holiday in my neighborhood. There's a small, local gathering and parade a block from us. We get the trick-or-treaters going *and* coming back. And more: convenient to public transit, folks bring their kids from other neighborhoods.
It's glorious.
We also get 300-400 (before losing count) trick-or-treaters.
We're ready.
#Halloween Halloween2024 #Candy #American #Brooklyn #NYC
What would you put in the bowl? For me it would be candy corn, or dots.
I laugh every time I read, “Holy shit full size Snickers.”
Happy Halloween everyone!
Me: Ah! I need to get candy for tomorrow!
Them: Yeah! Get plenty of Halloween candy!
Me: Halloween? Oh, yeah. HALLOWEEN candy.