[Translated from French]
A 19-year-old athlete now spends his days bedridden because of long COVID
Le Journal de Montréal
March 12, 2025
By Erika Aubin

[Translated from French]
A 19-year-old athlete now spends his days bedridden because of long COVID
Le Journal de Montréal
March 12, 2025
By Erika Aubin
Hi everyone. As you can see, I’m decked out in my #LongCOVIDAwareness gear. This week is our #LongCOVIDAwareness movement. March 15th is international #LongCOVIDAwarenessDay and it is used to bring recognition and elevate the status of the MILLIONS of people affected by the ongoing COVID crisis.
Es ist für mich tatsächlich wirklich eigentlich an und für sich die größte Strafe, die diese Krankheit mit sich bringt, dass sie niemand außer den Betroffenen selbst richtig versteht. Und niemand wahrhaben will, dass das nicht "vorübergehend" ist. Und an so Tagen wir heute, fällt es mir wieder einmal sehr schwer zu akzeptieren, dass das jetzt für immer so bleiben wird.
Easy ways to show solidarity with #pwLC:
1. Wear a mask
It’s Long COVID Awareness Day. An estimated 65 million people suffer from it globally. Remember that the risk of long-term health issues in multiple organs increases after each infection, even if your symptoms were mild.
Every COVID Infection Increases Your Risk of Long COVID, Study Warns
Apparently it's #LongCovidAwareness day. I wasn't aware of that.
I talk about this regularly as it dominates my life, preventing me from doing nearly everything else, so I don't want to bore you.
I also filled in a lengthy description of my illness progression 2 days ago for yet another assessment of whether I'm sick enough to need support. It is exhausting.
I had ME/CFS before I had COVID and it was no life, but at least I could work. I can't now. You need to NOT GET COVID #LongCovid #covid