We need to talk about the classism of #Moderate #liberals.
Oh, the moderate liberal. There is a profound lack of empathy amongst what we would call the mainstream of the #DemocraticParty.
So, here's the thing. You want everyone to have an #EV. Well, an #ElectricVehicle requires charging. That pretty much requires a garage.
What about #solar? Well, if you are renting, you can't install solar panels. Nor does the #landlord have any incentives to ever install them.
Banning #plastic bags? A tax on poor people who traditionally got multiple uses out of every single plastic grocery bag.
Time and time again you see the #Democratic party, often along with #MiddleClass and #UpperClass #leftists and #progressives argue in favor of policies without a hint of empathy for the lived day to day reality of people who are #poor, #InnerCity or #rural.
Can you really be surprised that #Newsom decided to attack #homeless encampments? In his worldview, homelessness is a defect of the system, not an inherent product of it.
Fewer roads, fewer cars. Sure, but it sounds frightening when you have to drive to a dockyard that's two miles from a transit station.
The reason that a lot of #poor people in the US view the #Democrats as traitors is because they have traditionally _been_ class traitors.
The loudest progressive voices are usually the most privileged voices. So, they just sound like more class traitors without a moment of reflection on the actual lives of actual working people.