So I got the Peak Design Sling 6L and I think it is just a tad too big for my use case. I am going to return it and get the 3L. I'm thinking of using the capture clip for camera or lens if I need a tad more space. I do wish someone made a rain cover for the slings and added capture camera or lens addition. Google comes up with no results but I'm sure I can find a small rain cover that would work even if it's not made for it. #photography #PeakDesign
@PhilGastwirth big fan of the capture clip. I use it w a Gordy’s wrist strip for my mirrorless. My brother shoots with a DSLR and found it too unwieldy. Curious about the rain cover-do you really need one? Use PD’s camera cover for the times I have it on the capture clip, but my bag is fine wo.
This looks perfect. It packs super small¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1ZGcBhCoARIsAGQ0kkrd-ARxbr7B9Ntm3KhpNpAL1-G5jwKRavZk8b1a2S29Qvr04cEIvuAaAt07EALw_wcB