Fisher Price Little People Sesame Street (1975)
#Toys #SesameStreet #Playset #FisherPrice #Retro #Vintage #Advertisement #CookieMonster #BigBird #ErnieAndBert
@LibrarianRA I wanted it then; I still want it now.
@forestfern @LibrarianRA I didn't know about it then, but I want it now -- and would totally buy it for my two itty bitty grandnieces, except it's probably a collectible and stratospherically priced
@SesameSquirrel @LibrarianRA Hmm, I wonder if it's a pricy collectible now? Time to search the resale websites. I remember when I was a child wanting to lose myself daydreaming about all that went in within those buildings.
@mrundkvist @LibrarianRA I had forgotten all about this! My younger sister had it. So magical.
@mrundkvist @LibrarianRA me too! If I'm remembering correctly, Oscar could pop up and down inside his garbage can.
I had one of those as a child. I just looked at the date and I feel very, very old.
@LibrarianRA I had one as a child and my mom found one and gifted it to my 3 year old daughter! I had to find old episodes of Sesame Street to show her.