Hello Followers! I am on a road trip to attend the annual Fiestaware conference in Albuquerque.
Any Restaurant recommendations in El Paso?
#ElPaso #StreetCar #PCC #Postcard
@LibrarianRA Good for you! We don't get down to El Paso much these days but we used to eat at Julio's a lot when we lived down there and it's good if you like Mexican food.
@isotope239 Thank you , I appreciate that.
@LibrarianRA De nada! I don't know how familiar you are with NM Mexican food, but just in case you might not know, when the server asks "Red or green?", if you want to be a seasoned (pun intended) traveler, answer "Christmas!" which means both red and green chiles!
And one quick tip, just in case you get some hot ones, have a small glass of milk on the table, a sip will put out the fire (and so will sour cream).
@LibrarianRA If you like Mexican food, Kiki’s is a must. https://www.kikisrestaurant.com