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Who: Andrew Rich, aka smartwatermelon.
> Where did your handle come from?

At in , there's a place where you can try Coca-Cola products from around the world. They used to feature a drink from China called Smart Watermelon. It was my favorite, and I liked the name.

What: , , , , , , friend to

smartwatermelon :jose:

> Voice actor, what's that about?

People have always told me what a terrific voice I have. So as I attempt to wind down a near-30-year software engineering career, I'm transitioning to voice acting/voiceover/narration. Check out my commercial demo:


Yep, 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike, 26.2-mile run, seventeen-hour time limit.

Andrew RichAndrew Rich - Voice Actor

> "nonmammaltarian"?

I don't eat mammals (beef, pork, etc). I do eat seafood and poultry, which in practice means a lot of turkey sandwiches.

When: 1969, after the moon landing but before disco.

Where: , WA (formerly Bay Area, formerly Southern California)

> Why Spokane?

The pandemic and the resulting two years of proved that remote work is possible and productive, at least for people who do what I do (sit in front of a screen and type gibberish all day).

And if I no longer have to pay Bay Area housing/living costs to work for SF tech companies, why would I? Spokane is a beautiful small city in the absolutely gorgeous (eastern state).

Why: With the ongoing garbage fire that is post-Elno Twitter, I'm diversifying my online presence. You can also find me on Instagram ( I'm no longer active on Twitter.

How: I feel fine

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