This is why we can't have nice things.
Sincerely disappointing.

This is why we can't have nice things.
Sincerely disappointing.
The worst part is that there isn't a single replacement part that's a go-to for all the uses I have - at least not one that isn't another #espressif part.
I've got some work ahead of me. :)
I can admit, now, that there was always a sense of "these chips are too good to be true" - and now we've had confirmation. As you always do.
a great project to improve embedded skills and reduce social media doomscrolling
My latest blog post: Simplify VCD
Simplify VCD is a tool designed to make working with Value Change Dump (VCD) files more efficient and faster. This tool enables users to clip sections of VCD files, trim irrelevant data, and reduce the resolution to a more manageable timescale, significantly improving processing speed and usability.
My latest blog post: VanSpoof - Prototype 2 - Echo Firmware
In part 1 and part 2 of building my first VanSpoof prototype, I managed to flash the microcontroller on the PCB with a blinky demo. This time round, let's see about sending and receiving some serial data.
When you buy most evaluation boards you get just the board.
With the CH32V003 (super-cheap RISC-V MCU) you get the board, programmer, and they chuck in 5 of the chip, no doubt because they're cheap enough to do so.
Join Chris( @stoneymonster ) and Elecia( @logicalelegance ) as they chat with Debra Ansell( @geekmomprojects ) about finding friends and exchanging neat gifts, accidentally tricking people into making unmanufacutable boards, and happy, blinking lights.
Check out the show's transcript here:
If you have access to an #ESP32 and a WiFi network with WPA3 security, could you help me test my #WiFi driver? It should only take a few minutes, and I'd be very appreciative! Instructions here: #microcontroller #IoT #embedded
@laurensvalk I cannot say enough about how awesome the work that @laurensvalk is doing - and how awesome he is as a person.
It is incredible that he has been able to do what the LEGO Group could not or did not want to do - unify the MINDSTORMS user experience under one app.
If you have a MINDSTORMS kit gathering dust bring it out again and try #pybricks - and if you don't want to do that, consider donating it to a kid in your area that is interested in tinkering.
Mon 3rd Feb, just a day after the #FOSDEM we'll have small HackDay in Brussels — hopefully making more cameras run well on #Linux, #embedded, #postmarketOS & #Mobian
If you're interested to help with hacking around #LinuxKernel CCS, #libcamera or #Qualcomm CAMSS (not limited to) ping us on #qcom-camss OFTC IRC channel or here.
#GhidraBytes 0x03 - ATmega328P Blink Driver: We continue our journey with #AVR #Assembler with #Ghidra by finding the main function, DAT_mem_0025 is a mem mapped IO reg sets the PB5 for the LED and we can see it in the Assembler and Decomple views. #Embedded #ReverseEngineering
My little daisyseed synth project is currently stalling on the whole "C++ is just the WORST language" problem.
There's a class in the DaisySP library which is *almost* what I want. So I should be able to just subclass it and work from there, right?
Well, no, because none of the functions that I want to override are declared "virtual", so I'd have to edit and re-build the library.
I'm sure this is all in the service of runtime efficiency, at some level. But, you know - it's a 480MHz ARM processor. I think a little indirection wouldn't be a huge deal.
I will just write the whole thing from scratch, all 100 lines or so of it. But it's *IRRITATING*, you know?
I just had a brilliant idea for a household electronics product that would be very cheap, useful for my household and doubtless many others, and would require minimal development work.
Which means it surely *must exist already*, right? Well, I'm definitely intentionally not going to try to find out until after I've built it. I just *really* want an excuse to buy an #arduino project kit, okay?
I miss working on low-level #embedded projects. No Xcode, no Docker containers, no HTML "build" systems...
Kirk Pearson of Dogbotic was on with us to talk about running audio-electronic-art workshops and interesting sounds.
Tune in here:
Kirk mentioned Motown employed electronic drums back in the day!
Here's an excerpt from the show:
Have been super pleased with the #ice40 #FPGA and #raspberrypi board that sent me to experiment with. Many thanks and I look forward to putting together a talk for intro users getting started with #PipelineC and boards like the pico-ice #HDL #Verilog #VHDL #hardware #embedded
Got pulled in as secondary consultant for a head-scratcher of a problem flashing an ESP32 from a Linux SoC embedded in a product.
The ESP32 flashes perfectly from a USB/Serial adapter, but would never flash from the SoC's onboard UART.
Waveforms on the scope looked absolutely perfect, all the transitions happen at the right time and we see the ESP32 go into its serial bootloader mode. However, it never sends any reply to the packets sent from esptool.
Several hours of head-scratching and triple-checking signals ensue.
Eventually I zoomed in on the packets sent by the SoC's onboard UART. esptool sends these SYNC packets with 0x55 square wave payload, and the ESP32 auto-bauds based on what it receives.
The problem is there, but its not exactly easy to spot...